Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Images of Labschool Kebayoran

The goal of this project is to show you about the lifestyle of Labschool Kebayoran Student. I've interviewed 4 of my friend for this project. The question that i ask related about what kind of things that they like. So here my interview about Images of Labschool Kebayoran.

The first thing i'll talk about, is what kind of sports that Labschool student like. 4 of my friend that i've interviewed like sports, none of them says that they hate sport. A few of my friend got different answer, and some of them got the same answer too. For example, Adli love Baseball, and his friend Randy Ap love baseball too, but he also put Basketball on his list. Some people focus only on 1 sport, but there's a people that can control their time & have much energy for another type of sport.

After sport, now i'll talk about food. Everyone got their own favorite food, like Japanese, Italian, even Traditional Food. Even some of them like different type of taste, like sweet, sour, salty, even spicy. We can't make people like the food that we like, cause some people can't eat few kind of food because of an allergy. I only interviewed 4 of my friend, but i really sure if i ask more, most favorite food is Japanese food, even it was one of my favorite food. In the second place is steak, many people have taste steak, and they can't resist to take another piece of steak again.

Okay, enough with food, now i'll talk about kind of music. Every single people can't live without music, even if they say that they hate music, at least once a day, they will sing part of a song that they've heard. And same as food, we can't make people like music that we like. Several people like slow music, few more love Rock, and even some of them love pop and hip hop, every individual got their own type of music that they like. Even if they like the same type of music, that doesn't mean that they got the same idol. For example, Egi & Randy ap love pop music, but they've their own idol. Egi idolized Bruno Mars, and Randy Ap love Maroon5. It's kinda like that. The conclusion is, genre, idol, and the other kind that related with music, not always the same with other people. 

And that's all about music, now move on to next topic. Now i'll talk about kind of movie that they like. All of my friend that i've interviewed have go to cinema, at least once in their life. So, they must've know what genre of movies that they usually watch. Boys more love to see action and comedy movies, even 4 of my friend say that too. And girls usually love to watch romance and sometimes comedy, but several girls love to see action films, but only a few i guess.

The next topic is about study, and dating, which one do you prefer? it's a tricky question, from your answer we can see your personality. If you answer Study, well you're the kind of guy who think about your future, not just about girls and that kind of thing. If you chose girl, well you're kind of guy that likely understand type and everything about girl, but maybe not in school material. 3 of my friend chose date and study, but one of em chose date more than study. 

The last question is related with the previous question. It's about a girl that you like. Well this question actually for the boys. 100% of my friend that i've interviewed is straight, and love girl, so i'll got no trouble with it. First type of girl that boys really like is the girl that kind and loyal, nobody want to be with the girl that mean or bad. The next thing that boys like about girls is, her beautiful or cute face, and all of my friends agree with that. And the last thing is, that girl have to be smart, if she isn't well maybe only a few that interested with her.

And that's all from me, this is the personality of Labschool Kebayoran student. This is all that they like and love. I hope they'll get better and better next time and become the guy who lead Labschool and Indonesia to the right path.

Mulia Ade Zulfadlan - XC

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